Dorchester Development News: BPDA approves 101-109 Boston Street Development
The Planning Department this month recommended approval of six new development projects to the BPDA Board. All were approved, including this one in Dorchester: 101-109 [...]
Fixing Boston’s Zoning Rules: Easier Renovations, Less Red Tape – Boston Planning’s Neighborhood Housing Initiative
Zoning in Boston is a nightmare. Upwards of 99% of small-scale residential lots across the city fail to comply with current zoning requirements, leading to [...]
Historic Baker Chocolate Factory sells for $41M – Wowza
Boston Business Journal is reporting that the Baker Chocolate Factory has sold for $41 million. The buyer is Wingate Cos., a Newton-based firm that manages [...]
New Beginnings for Spukies N Pizza: Zoning Board Approves New Project with a Slice of Legacy
Big changes are coming to the corner of Washington Street and Dorchester Avenue in Dorchester! Universal Hub is reporting that the Zoning Board of Appeal [...]
Hasbro could be coming to Boston, specifically Dorchester.
Hasbro, the iconic toy maker of classics like Play-Doh, Nerf, and Connect Four, could be moving into the neighborhood. According to the Boston Globe, Hasbro [...]
Dorchester Development News – 749-759 Dudley Street
Looks like a new six-story apartment building could be coming to Upham's Corner. The Zoning Board of Appeals approved a plan to replace two one-story [...]
Dorchester Development News: 101 – 109 Boston Street
Looks like more changes are coming to Boston Street. You know the large Fortress self-storage building on Boston Street - the one with the giant [...]
Dorchester Development News: 115 – 121 Boston Street – Approved by ZBA
One step closer to this large-scale development is a reality for Boston Street, including two buildings, six stories, and 90 teeny-tiny apartments! Universal Hub is [...]
City of Boston Announces Phase Two of Welcome Home – new home ownership opportunities in the neighborhood
Six new development teams will create approximately 70 new homeownership opportunities on 15 City-owned parcels in Dorchester and Mattapan BOSTON - Wednesday, June 12, 2024 [...]
Be informed. Get involved – Morrissey Blvd. Commission Meeting on Thursday
It’s a tale as old as time. If it’s raining, or a high tide, or a coastal storm, you avoid Morrissey Boulevard. Why, you ask. [...]
Brace Yourself, Boston – the Median Price for a Single-Family Home is $910,000
It looks like the price of homes, in particular, single families, is on the rise in Greater Boston. According to the Greater Boston Association of [...]
Dorchester Residents Suing BPDA for New Housing for the Formerly Homeless
The Boston Globe is reporting that at least two Dorchester residents are planning on suing the Boston Planning and Development Agency to stop a plan [...]
Dorchester Development News – 376-384A Blue Hill Ave
Get the details below! 376-384A Blue Hill Avenue project to create 18 income-restricted homeownership opportunities in Dorchester Live: 18 income-restricted homeownership units Work: Two retail spaces, [...]
BPDA announces first locations for Squares + Streets Planning Initiative including two in Dorchester
Planning to begin in Roslindale Square, Cleary Square, followed by Codman Square and Fields Corner BOSTON - January 10, 2024 - The BPDA today announced [...]
Greenhills Bakery plans to expand to a larger bakery with nine condos approved on Tuesday
Lots of changes for Adams Village On Tuesday, the ZBA approved the plans for Greenhills Bakery, located at 780 Adams Street, to replace the building [...]
Dorchester Development News: 1420 Dorchester Ave. + 81 Hancock Street
Here's the latest Dorchester Development News! 1420 Dorchester Avenue project to create housing, retail space in Fields Corner Live: 46 housing units, seven income-restricted units [...]