Since 2015, 311 has been a platform that allows Boston residents to report issues in their neighborhood, from trash to parking, via phone, app or website. The Boston Globe has reviewed all 282,000 311 reports of 2024.
Drumroll, please! Here are the Top 10 311 reports of the 2024.
10. Pick up dead animals including rats – Let us never forget the trash barrel filled with rats
9. Tree maintenance requests
8. Poor conditions of property
7. Missed trash/recycling/yard waste/bulk item
6. Pothole repair
5. Needle pickup
4. Code enforcement collection
3. Improper storage of trash barrels – Maybe some neighbors should read Peter’s post on trash etiquette.
2. Street cleaning
1. Parking enforcement – Parking is a “challenge” in the neighborhood and if you’re parking illegally it does not go unnoticed by your neighbors.
Honorable mention – one neighbor didn’t love the bagpipes practicing happening next door
Maureen Dahill is the editor of Caught in Southie and a lifelong resident of South Boston sometimes mistaken for a yuppie. Co-host of Caught Up, storyteller, lover of red wine and binge watching TV series. Mrs. Peter G. Follow her @MaureenCaught.