
Universal Hub is reporting the Boston Licensing Board recently called for a second hearing re: a crazy incident at the Dublin House in Uphams Corner last summer that left one customer with 47 stitches from a machete.

The second hearing was called to investigate more closely if employees failed to cooperate with the police that night or even call the police after the incident. 

BPD testified at the hearing that they responded to the bar after the victim walked into Boston Medical Center with a giant gash in his arm. He told police it happened at the Dublin House.

When police entered the bar, staff told officers there was a fight inside and they kicked out the two involved in the argument. Blood was visible outside the bar in addition to inside the bar which appeared that someone tried to clean it up.  Dublin House is claiming they had no idea the machete incident even happened.

Needless to say, the board ordered one more hearing to get more complete details.

You can read more about this here. 


One Comment

  1. Vicky April 14, 2024 at 2:11 am - Reply

    Place needs to be shut down

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