Written by Coleman Nee
City of Boston Credit Union is member-owned, meaning we all share ownership of the institution as equals! Because we’re a Credit Union, we are a part of the community because we’re made up by the community! As we continue our efforts to best serve our membership and our neighbors, CBCU strives to offer support at every step of the personal finance journey. That is why today, City of Boston Credit Union is extremely proud to offer members of the community access to ‘Money Experience’ for FREE!
Money Experience is a fun and interactive program in which participants create their own “selves” within the game, and are put through interactive life scenarios in which they must make financial decisions which affect their in-game finances as well as quality of life. We have found this game to really resonate with our learners, and gives them a hands-on feel of managing their personal finances! Through the engaging decision making process, participants can see the real effects of each choice they make as they progress through the stages of the game. Unlike with real life, if you are unhappy with the way things are turning out, you can start right back at the beginning! This experience can better prepare each participant to make a more informed decision when real-life personal finance situations arise!
If you would like to see a bit more about how the game works, you can check out a Chapter 1 demo here!
To sign up for your FREE Money Experience account, please head to this link and register: https://moneyexperience.com/city-of-boston-credit-union/
If any groups are interested in Money Experience, and would like a personalized demonstration, walkthrough, or developed implementation plan, please reach out to Coleman Nee at [email protected]