Don’t forget to Vote

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.  If you haven’t already voted, here are some reminders for Election Day from the City of Boston.  You can read them here. 

Hot Diggity Dog

In celebration of a successful season, Sullivan’s is offering half-price hot dogs until closing day, December 1st! You might as well get two, right? We’ll take ours “all around!” What other menu standouts will we miss on Sully’s hiatus? Fried clams, Lime Rickeys, lobster roll, and french fries!

Pitch In at Ronan Park

Join friends and neighbors on Saturday, November 9th, from 2 pm to 3 pm, for a fall daffodil planting and clean-up of Ronan Park.

Take Care of Some City Business

Need to pay a parking ticket or register your dog in the City of Boston? Well, great news! The City Hall to Go Truck will be in the neighborhood on Thursday, November 7th from 5pm-6:30pm Four Corners Main Streets. Stop by 345 Washington Street and take care of some city business!  Here’s a list of city services provided at City Hall to Go.

New to the Neighborhood: justBook-ish is now open

 new bookstore, justBook-ish, is now open in the Fields Corner neighborhood! It is located on the ground floor of a new apartment building at 1463 Dorchester Ave called Dot Crossing Apartments.  Last week, they posted a Grand Opening Ceremony Announcement, which will take place on Saturday, November 23rd at 11am. Stop by!


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